About Me

Louisiana, United States
My husband and I have two children. Our son was born in South Korea. He is 5 years old. We were blessed with being matched with our daughter in August. Terry works at an instrumentation distributor in Baton Rouge. I teach special education at Dutchtown High. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and are aware of the blessings we have been given.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Thanks for all of the positive thoughts. They worked!! CCAI called and all is well. Terry found out that our dossier (the mother load of paperwork we sent in) has made it through the critical review room and now we are in the matching room. I posted pictures of this before. It's really interesting. There are rows of dossiers waiting to be matched to a baby. This doesn't mean that we are anywhere close to being matched. A few weeks ago CCAI told us it would likely be December before we were matched. We were over the moon at that point. Today they told Terry is would be more like March. At this point what's a few more months? We're just glad our baby girl is in China!

I've heard from several people that blogger was not letting people post comments. I think I fixed it. So please try to leave a message and let's see what happens.

Thanks again for thinking of us, we appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers!


late nite reader said...

Jana told me about this only yesterday. I'm glad that you found out good news and that everything is going the way you need it to.

BTW: after having read the 7th Harry Potter, you should DEFINITELY keep the name Mollie (after Mrs. Weasley). You'll see once you finish!!

Love you all

BurnsFamily said...

YAY!!!! Been thinking of you! Thank goodness it's all worked out! Can't wait to hear your BIG announcement of her referral! Keep the faith, girl! Big HUGS!