About Me

Louisiana, United States
My husband and I have two children. Our son was born in South Korea. He is 5 years old. We were blessed with being matched with our daughter in August. Terry works at an instrumentation distributor in Baton Rouge. I teach special education at Dutchtown High. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and are aware of the blessings we have been given.

Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Keep your fingers crossed!

I'm hesitant to post this - but I don't think there are many readers out there so I'll do it. What the hell!

I'm very scared. Our Baton Rouge social worker called us today while we were getting re-fingerprinted for Molly's adoption. Since we have been waiting for over 2 years our prints have expired. So we went to Homeland Secuity in New Orleans and then out to lunch to celebrate another step in this crazy process. At this point we celebrate anything that makes us feel closer to our daughter. Anyway, while we were eating Barbara (our social worker) called and voiced concern about our being in the process. She is wondering if we are even in the program! WHAT??? She says China seems to be kicking people out! I am so heartbroken- but trying to remain hopeful. What in the world will we do if this is true? At this point our heart is in China because our agency (in Colorado) says we should be matched around December. This would mean our baby girl is born now and that just brings in a whole new level of emotion.

So, what I am asking is for positive thoughts to be sent our way. Terry has a call into our agency (CCAI). Hopefully once we hear from them they can ease our minds and hearts. My baby girl has to be out there! Her room and our family are ready for her!

On a positive note- we ate at PF Changs- our absolute favorite place and at the exact same table we ate at the day we waited for Lee's arrival. Silly me couldn't believe we were hearing this kind of news at a place that has followed with so much joy. BUT I left feeling better because my fortune cookie said "The one you love is closer than you think." God- I hope so!

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