About Me

Louisiana, United States
My husband and I have two children. Our son was born in South Korea. He is 5 years old. We were blessed with being matched with our daughter in August. Terry works at an instrumentation distributor in Baton Rouge. I teach special education at Dutchtown High. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and are aware of the blessings we have been given.

Blog Archive

Monday, November 5, 2007

Molly update

Our agency finally updated their website. The Chinese side of the agency has been on vacation for over a week for Children's Week. They have placed babies with families with Log in dates through December 8th. Our log in date is March 8th. I know we are getting closer, I feel it and my mom does too. She said that Friday she couldn't get Molly out of her mind... funny how we can feel so attached to someone who may or may not be born. I know this will sound strange but I have been seeing and hearing "signs" all weekend. In China a symbol for good luck is the ladybug. They have been everywhere. We had a video made of Lee's first year home and on the movie we had songs that were very close to our hearts, today I heard 2 of them- one in the van when we were driving my students to shop and the other in the store. Signs of good things to come--- I hope. I want my baby girl!!!!
Here's the 2 songs incase anyone is curious.

1 comment:

BurnsFamily said...

Can't wait to hear the news!! Big hugs!