About Me

Louisiana, United States
My husband and I have two children. Our son was born in South Korea. He is 5 years old. We were blessed with being matched with our daughter in August. Terry works at an instrumentation distributor in Baton Rouge. I teach special education at Dutchtown High. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and are aware of the blessings we have been given.

Blog Archive

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A little get away...

Sorry I have not posted in awhile. I had a rough week last week. Not too sure how many people actually read this thing so I'll let it all out. During my yearly check up to the OB/GYN I found out that my uterus is tilted and dropping... lovely right? Luckily, I do not have any desire to become pregnant because on top of my other female issues this would definitely complicate things. With this same visit I pointed out a lump on my inner thigh that has been there for some time, the dr. tested it and it is a tumor- not serious though but it needs to be taken out. THANK YOU JESUS! On top of this there's a lump on my breast. Terry, being the good man he is, came with me today to get this checked out. It is just a cyst, nothing threatening. We were so happy to hear this. I have been so worried and I know Terry has been too. He has been so supportive and uplifting. He has done research and throughout the week he has kept me positive always looking on the bright side of things.

Our friends, the Webbs, asked us to join them for a little get away to her brother's house in Houston. We met the Webbs through our adoption group. They have 3 children- all born in Korea. Lee and Tae-Woo are big buddies and I am so in love with Neena and Jung Wook! We had so much fun. Their neighboorhood has 8000 houses in it and awesome parks and water parks. We went to the boardwalk in Kehma and Korea Town. I had my first taste of kimichi and I liked it. Those of you who know me, will not be surprised that I like fermented, picked cabbage. The boys and men went to a pro baseball game and golfing. Lori and I were able so sneak in some shopping in Korea Town (I had my fix of Korean cookies) and in Kemah. A good time was had by all. Lori- thank you so much for the get away- it could not have come at a better time. Entertaining 4 kids (6 counting Terry and J.J) was a great way to keep my mind off of other things!

Pictures to come.

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