About Me

Louisiana, United States
My husband and I have two children. Our son was born in South Korea. He is 5 years old. We were blessed with being matched with our daughter in August. Terry works at an instrumentation distributor in Baton Rouge. I teach special education at Dutchtown High. We enjoy spending time with family and friends and are aware of the blessings we have been given.

Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bad language and bad parenting

So- yesterday I took Lee and Emily for a fun filled day starting with story time and ending with a play by the Playmakers. We had a really fun time (even though they argue like brother and sister about any and everything). At one point Emily was explaining to Lee why she's starting physical therapy for a broken finger. She was so sincere about the whole deal. Lee was furious because she wasn't listening to his reasons (as he claims) for not going to therapy because we would all be sad if she were to hurt the finger more. I let it go on because I thought it was sweet and I thought learning how to agree to disagree was a good lesson for Lee to learn but after 15 minutes I had had enough from these 2 strong willed kids. It was obvious neither were going to let the issue rest but none the less it was nice to see the sweet compassionate side of Lee that peeks out from time to time.

Anyway, that was not the reason for this post so here it goes. After a fun day Lee still had not had enough of Emily. So she came to Choi Kwang Do and then out to eat with us. No major events there other than Lee turning to Emily several times during class to make sure she was watching and he gave her a wink and thumbs up. Emily (she'll be in 1st grade) turns to me and says "It's obvious he likes me". My mom rode with us to eat and drop of Emily. She (mom) has a strong dislike for Tracy Chapman - not sure why. It has become a big joke with us because a certain song comes on often and if she isn't with me I call and "share" it with her. As soon as she heard it, she said "Turn that off" to which Lee replied "Yeah, turn that stupid shit off". I know where he's heard sh*& but stupid is a word we do not use. Okay, I tried to be the big parent and correct his potty mouth while my mom laughed so hard she thought she had peed in her pants and Terry nearly drove us in the bayou because he was laughing so hard. While I was trying to end the episode, Lee says "Come on Mom you know you wanna laugh". I couldn't help it and I did join in. I know may not have been the most appropriate thing to do but I did try-- I swear I did!


Our life's journey. said...

I was laughing so hard that tears were flowing (and I nearly woke Ethan). I am only sorry that I was not able to witness the mastermind in action. Lee was correct, we did wanna laugh. Jeremy and I both enjoyed this blog more than we can express.

Anonymous said...

This was so cute. If sh**is the worse that he uses then you will be doing fine :) I also look everyday to see your blog. I enjoy it so much. Amy and Terry you are really blessed to have Lee. Enjoy him while he is young. They grow up so fast.